For the collection of high quality, and reproducible breath profiles.
Clinically validated eNose for direct breath analysis
The SpiroNose® is a breakthrough electronic nose (eNose) built on years of scientific research led by Prof. Dr. Peter Sterk at Amsterdam University Medical Centres. This clinically validated device enables high-precision, real-time breath analysis for diagnosing and categorizing patients with cancer, infectious diseases, and inflammatory conditions. Exhaled breath is measured in approximately 30 seconds, with secure data transmission to the online BreathBase platform, ensuring immediate access for analysis.
The SpiroNose® is designed with precision and reliability at its core, equipped with 28 sensors arranged in four sets of seven. Two sets focus on capturing the VOCs present in exhaled breath, while the other two monitor the VOCs in the surrounding air to ensure high-quality measurements. By sending data in real time to our secure online platform, the SpiroNose eliminates the risks associated with sample storage or handling. Instead, it measures a complete VOC-profile directly and instantly, capturing a highly accurate snapshot of each breath.
The selection of the SpiroNose® sensors was guided by extensive research, drawing on years of experience in advanced breath analysis technologies. Based on this experience, we developed a unique eNose, the SpiroNose, selecting only the sensors with the highest ability to distinguish between different (lung diseases and their subtypes.
This rigorous approach has made the SpiroNose a trusted tool for clinicians and researchers, designed to deliver consistent, high-quality breath profiles every time.
SpiroNose’s Features
Easy to use
The SpiroNose® is designed for simplicity, with a straightforward measurement maneuver that participants can easily perform. Its proven ease and comfort have been validated in over 200,000 users, making it a reliable choice for studies with diverse populations
Direct measurements
The SpiroNose® performs direct measurements, eliminating the risk of sample or storage errors. This feature makes the SpiroNose® especially valuable for longitudinal studies, as it allows for consistent tracking of the complete mixture of VOCs over time.
Reproducible and Interchangeable
SpiroNose® results are reproducible and easily transferable between different labs and locations, making it ideal for clinical implementation. This interoperability ensures consistency and reliability across various settings, supporting broader adoption in healthcare.
The SpiroNose® employs cloud-based calibration to ensure consistent, standardized data across all devices by automatically correcting for sensor variability. This enables breath profiles from multiple devices to be stored in a unified online reference database, overcoming a long-standing challenge in breath analysis and setting a new standard for reliable and reproducible breath analyses.
Linked to a Cloud Solution
The SpiroNose® is linked to an online analysis platform, enabling immediate and secure transmission of sensor data to the BreathBase® server for automated analysis. This ensures fast, reliable access to results, enhancing efficiency in clinical research.
Immediate feedback
Combined with the online analysis platform, BreathBase, and its integrated reference database, the SpiroNose® enables direct, real-time feedback at the point-of-care.
SpiroNose® measurement maneuver
Proven ease and comfort: validated in over 200.000 people

How does it work?
Exhaled breath analysis by the cloud-connected SpiroNose®
The participant takes a deep breath and calmly exhales through the SpiroNose®. The cross-reactive sensors in the SpiroNose® capture the complete mixture of VOCs in the participant’s exhaled breath.
The various sensor readings are immediately processed and corrected for the ambient air by the BreathBase® Platform. The latter is necessary because exhaled breath is also influenced by the air that is inhaled.
The sensors respond to breath that is exhaled. All sensors react in a differently, because each sensor has it highest sensitivity to a different group of molecules.
The obtained breath profiles are compared to the online database. Based on machine learning algorithms, a final diagnostic answer will be established.
Add breath analysis to your research
The SpiroNose is designed to seamlessly integrate into your scientific research, providing reliable, high-quality breath profiles that support robust and reproducible findings. With proven technology backed by extensive clinical validation, the SpiroNose is trusted by researchers worldwide to deliver consistent results.
If you’re interested in enhancing your research with advanced breath analysis, contact us today to explore how the SpiroNose can elevate the quality and scope of your studies.